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We supply expert independent medical advice to employers and employees to help manage employee absence and increase productivity at work. We also provide advice about adjustments needed at work and to help employers comply with legislation, saving you money in the process.

Lower costs

Whether it be due to sickness absences, work-related ill health or presenteeism (employees that aren’t operating at full capacity due to them feeling unwell), employee illness and injuries can be expensive. Our team can provide specialist advice with proven effectiveness to help reduce the risks and associated (avoidable) costs. In practice, fewer risks translate to a lower rate of absenteeism.

The total costs of workplace self-reported injuries and ill health in 2018/19 was £16.2 billion” according to HSE.gov.uk.

Improved efficiency

Not only do we have the potential to reduce the number of employees taking sickness absences, but we can also recommend alternatives including, but not limited to, restricted duties and redeployment. With lower rates of absenteeism, productivity and thus efficiency can substantially improve

A happier workplace

With specialist attention given to employees, targeted at making them feel safer in the workplace, employee wellbeing and morale could be higher than ever.